Cuéntame un cuento...

...o una historia, o una anécdota... Simplemente algo que me haga reir, pensar, soñar o todo a la vez, si cabe ..Si quereis mandarme alguna de estas, hacedlo a

sábado, mayo 30

¿Y para qué sirve el latín?

(Sacado de un artículo de Felix Borstein, del suplemento económico de El Mundo del 24 de mayo)

[...] Hace muchos años, el ministro falangista José Solís Ruiz, apodado la sonrisa del Régimen, hizo un canto a la modernidad con su proclama «menos latín y más deporte». «¿Para qué sirve hoy el latín», dijo don José, que era cordobés de Cabra. El profesor Muñoz Alonso salió al quite: «por de pronto, el latín sirve para que a ustedes, los de Cabra, les llamen egabrenses y no otra cosa».


lunes, mayo 25

Romance de la ESO

(O Romance de la ignorancia, más bien; me lo acaba de enviar un amigo pot correo)

Dicen que va en retroceso
la enseñanza de la E.S.O.
Comprobarlo un padre quiso
y asaltó, sin previo aviso,
a su hija de quince años,
que, con modales huraños,
con evidente impaciencia,
con tono de displicencia
y prostibulario atuendo,
así le fue respondiendo:
-¿Cuándo vivió Alfonso Sexto?
-No está en mi libro de texto.
-¿Y está Felipe Segundo?
-A ese siempre lo confundo.
-¿Y doña Juana la Loca?
-En este curso no toca.
-Dí algún monarca absoluto.
-No se da eso en mi instituto.
-¿Y cuándo se perdió Cuba?
-Esta... ¡tiene mala uva!
-Pues dí un pintor español.
-Eso no entra en el control.
-¿No sabes quién fue Picasso?
-No. De esas cosas, yo paso.
-¿Cuándo acabó la Edad Media ?
-Pues vendrá en la Enciclopedia.
-¿Y las Navas de Tolosa?

-¡Me preguntas cada cosa...!
-¿Y qué fue la Reconquista ?
-Si me dieras una pista...
-¿A qué equivalen mil gramos?
-¡Pero si eso no lo damos!
-¿Qué son los números primos?
-Eso tampoco lo dimos.
-¿La ecuación de primer grado?
-Pues tampoco la hemos dado.
-¿Y sabes mucho latín?
-¡Lo dices con retintín...!
-Y tampoco darás griego
-Se escribe raro, me niego.
-¿Quién fue Ortega y Gasset?
-Lo miraré en internet.
-¿No estudias filosofía?
-¿Para qué me serviría?
-¿Y has dado Literatura?
-No sé... No estoy segura.
-¿Quién compuso ' la Odisea' ?
-No tengo ni zorra idea.
-¿En qué obra sale Calisto?
-No, papá, eso no lo he visto.
-¿Y Gonzalo de Berceo?
-No viene en el libro, creo.
-¿Y Calderón de la Barca ?
-¡Huy, papi, no me seas carca!
-¿Clarín, Baroja, Unamuno...?
-Pues no me suena ninguno.
-¿Algún autor del Barroco?
-De eso sé bastante poco.
-¿Quién fue el Manco de Lepanto?
-Papá, no preguntes tanto.
-Pero, ¿no leéis a Cervantes?
-¡A ése lo leerías antes...!
-Lo tuyo, hija, es deplorable...
-Pues he sacado notable
-Y de ciencias, ¿sabes algo?.
-Me voy, que esta noche salgo.
-Pero, entonces, tú ¿qué sabes?
-¡No me esperéis; tengo llaves!
Y el padre quedó perplejo:
al mirarse en el espejo
se notó cara de idiota.
Musitó una palabrota
y fue a meterse en la cama.
Así acaba este epigrama.

Esto que canta el romance es lo que me tiene en trance.


viernes, mayo 22

Notable Ponzi schemes

(También de la Wikipedia)

The eponymous scheme was orchestrated by Charles Ponzi, who went from anonymity to being a well-known Boston millionaire in six months using such a scheme in 1920. Profits were supposed to come from exchanging international postal reply coupons. He promised 50% interest (return) on investments in 45 days or “double your money” in 90 days. About 40,000 people invested about $15 million all together; in the end, only a third of that money was returned to them.

Extremely high-volume schemes
Many Ponzi schemes in unregulated markets have bankrupted hundreds or thousands of people when they finally run dry.

19th century
Before Ponzi, in 1899 William "520 Percent" Miller opened for business as the "Franklin Syndicate" in Brooklyn, New York. Miller promised 10% a week interest and exploited some of the main themes of Ponzi schemes such as customers reinvesting the interest they made. He defrauded buyers out of $1 million and was sentenced to jail for 10 years. After he was pardoned, he opened a grocery store on Long Island. During the Ponzi investigation, Miller was interviewed by the Boston Post to compare his scheme to Ponzi's — the interviewer found them remarkably similar, but Ponzi's became more famous for taking in seven times as much money.

Between 1970 and 1984 in Portugal, a woman known as Dona Branca maintained a scheme that paid 10% monthly interest. In 1988 she was sentenced to 10 years in prison. She always claimed that she was only trying to help the poor, but in her trial it was proven that she had received the equivalent of 85 million euros.
In January 1984 Adriaan Nieuwoudt started a scheme with an apparent product in South Africa. Subscribers to the scheme were sent an "activator", that was used to grow "cultures" in milk, which was then sent back to the Kubus Kwekery for about 30% return on the money paid for the "activator". The Cape Supreme Court held that the kubus scheme was an illegal lottery.
Sixteen hundred investors in Diamond Mortgage Company and A.J. Obie, two firms with the same managers, lost approximately $50 million in what the Michigan Court of Appeals described as "the largest reported 'Ponzi' scheme in the history of the state." It led to the passage in 1987 of the MBLSA (Mortgage Brokers, Lenders, and Servicers Act)."

In the 1980s in San Diego, California, J. David & Company, an alleged currency and commodity trading and investing operation named after its founder, J. David Dominelli, a withdrawn and shy (and thus, presumably, "genius") currency and commodity trader, was revealed to be a Ponzi scheme which took in $200 million and returned $120 million to investors, leaving a net loss of $80 million. The scheme touched all levels of upper class business and professional life in San Diego and environs, and involved the Mayor of Del Mar, California, a cozy upscale beach town just north of La Jolla, who was J. David's assistant and live-in companion, and others, including the prominent New York law firm Rogers & Wells (now Clifford Chance), which had advised J. David (through a rogue partner) and others. When the fall came, J. David briefly escaped to Montserrat in the Caribbean, but was returned ultimately to plead guilty to federal charges and receive 20 years' federal imprisonment.

In Romania, between 1991 and 1994, the Caritas scheme run by the "Caritas" company of Cluj-Napoca, owned by Ioan Stoica promised eight times the money invested in six months. It attracted 400,000 depositors from all over the country who invested 1,257 billion lei (about a billion USD) before it finally went bankrupt on 14 August 1994, having a debt of 450 million USD. The owner, Ioan Stoica was sentenced in 1995 by the Cluj Court to a total of seven years in prison for fraud, but he appealed and it was reduced to two years; then he went on to the Supreme Court of Justice and the sentence was finally reduced to one year and a half.
MMM was a Russian company that existed in the 1990s. It involved at least two million people and collected as much as $1.5 billion before its collapse. Its founder was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison in 2003.

In late 1994, the European Kings Club collapsed, with ensuing losses of about $1.1 billion. This scam was led by Damara Bertges and Hans Günther Spachtholz. In the Swiss cantons Uri and Glarus, it was estimated that about one adult in ten invested into the EKC. The scam involved buying "letters" valued at 1,400 Swiss francs that entitled buyers to receive 12 monthly payments of 200 Swiss francs. The organisation was based in Gelnhausen, Germany.
In May 1995, Pennsylvania's attorney general moved to freeze the assets of the Foundation for New Era Philanthropy and its chairman, John G. Bennett, Jr. The organization had raised over $500 million from 1,100 donors. Participants, including the Red Cross, had believed they were participating in a matching-gifts program through New Era but, in fact, it was really a Ponzi scheme. Losses amounted to $135 million.

In early 1996, the SEC filed a civil action against Bennett Funding Group, its chief financial officer, Patrick R. Bennett, and other companies Bennett controlled, in connection with a massive Ponzi scheme. The companies fraudulently raised hundreds of millions of dollars, purportedly to purchase assignments of equipment leases and promissory notes.
From 1993 until 1997 a church named Greater Ministries International in Tampa, Florida, headed by Gerald Payne bilked over 18,000 people out of 500 million dollars. Payne and other church elders promised the church members double their money back, citing Biblical scripture. However, nearly all the money was lost and hidden away. Church leaders received prison sentences ranging from 13 to 27 years.

In the mid-1990s, Albania was transitioning into a liberalized market economy after years under a State-controlled economy reinforced by the cult of personality involving longtime Communist leader Enver Hoxha; the rudimentary financial system became dominated by pyramid schemes, and government officials tacitly endorsed a series of pyramid investment funds. Many Albanians, approximately two-thirds of the population, invested in them. By 1997 the inevitable end came: Albanians, who had lost $1.2 billion, took their protest to the streets where uncontainable rioting and attacks on government infrastructure led to the toppling of the government and the temporary existence of a stateless society. Although technically a Ponzi Scheme, the Albanian scams were commonly referred to as Pyramid Schemes both popularly and by the IMF.
21st century

In 2000, a Ponzi scheme perpetrated by Scientology minister Reed Slatkin came unraveled when the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission regulators became aware that Slatkin was not a licensed investment adviser. Slatkin had raised some $600 million from over 500 wealthy investors, mostly Hollywood celebrities.
In December 2005, in Los Angeles, California, Larry Toshio Osaki, who ran a Ponzi scheme (of large purportion) and continued to offer bogus investments in accounts receivable "factoring" after being ordered to cease and desist by a Federal judge, was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison. In addition to the prison term, Judge Stephen V. Wilson ordered Osaki to pay more than $145 million in restitution to victims.

The Brothers was a large investment operation, eventually exposed as a Ponzi scheme, in Costa Rica from the late 1980s until 2002. The fund was operated by brothers Luis Enrique and Osvaldo Villalobos. Investigators determined that the scam took in at least $400 million. Most of the clientele were American and Canadian retirees but some Costa Ricans also invested the minimum $10,000. About 6,300 individuals ultimately were involved. Interest rates were 3% per month, usually paid in cash, or 2.8% compounded. The ability to pay such high interest was attributed to Luis Enrique Villalobos’ existing agricultural aviation business, investment in unspecified European high yield funds, and loans to Coca Cola, among others. Osvaldo Villalobos’ role was primarily to move money around a large number of shell companies and then pay investors. In May 2007 Osvaldo Villalobos was sentenced to 18 years in prison for fraud and illegal banking. Luis Enrique Villalobos remains a fugitive.

In May 2006, James Paul Lewis, Jr. was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for running a $311 million Ponzi scheme over a 20-year time period. He operated under the name Financial Advisory Consultants from Lake Forest, California
In October 2006 in Malaysia, two prominent members of society and several others were held for running an alleged scam, known as SwissCash or Swiss Mutual Fund (1948). SwissCash offered returns of up to 300% within a 15-month investment period. Currently, this HYIP investment is offered to citizens of Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. It claimed investors’ funds were channeled to business activities ranging from oil exploration to shipping and agriculture in the Caribbean. The company claims to be operating out of New York and incorporated in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

On Friday 13 April 2007 a person named Sibt-e-Hassan Shah, aka "Double Shah," was arrested by government officials in Wazirabad, a small town of Pakistan. Sibt-e-Hassan claimed to double investors' money within 30 days in the beginning of his scheme, later extended to 90 days. He is suspected to have gathered very large investments (approx US$ 1 Billion) in a very short time period.

On June 27, 2007 former boy band mogul and notorious con artist Lou Pearlman was indicted by a grand jury on several counts of fraud which is turning out to be one of the largest and longest running United States Ponzi schemes ever.[citation needed] His scheme lasted for over 20 years. The final total damage may rest somewhere near $500 million dollars. Pearlman's scam involved bilking investors out of their savings with a fraudulent savings and loans program claiming it to be FDIC insured though it was not. On March 4, 2008, Pearlman agreed to plead guilty to charges of conspiracy, money laundering, and making false statements during a bankruptcy proceeding, and to testify for the prosecution of several accomplices, according to law enforcement officials. On May 21, 2008, Pearlman was sentenced to 300 months in jail with the stipulation that he could cut one month off his sentence for every $1 million dollars he paid his investors back.

On August 17, 2007, the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation filed syndicated estafa cases against 27 officers and investors of FrancSwiss Investment, a "Ponzi" pyramiding scam on the Internet. Charged were Michael Mansfield, chief financial officer; Kurt Sandelman, risk management team leader; Rupert Benedict Da Vinco, investment team leader; Julia Rodriguez, international banking team leader; Hector Willem Sidberg, marketing and international affairs; and Fernando Munoz, customer service leader; Roger Smith, the British chief operation officer of FS Investment in the Asia-Pacific region; Bensy Fong, the Singaporean system operation officer; Raymond Chua, Singaporean marketing officer; a certain Michelle and Mike, Filipino secretaries and collectors of money from investors; 16 investors, including arrested suspect Eleazard Castillo, 26, a native of Cabuyao, Ilocos Sur, allegedly one of the financial advisers of FrancSwiss Investment. 41 investors claimed they lost a total of $75,000 to the investment scheme. FrancSwiss deceived investors in the Philippines of ₱1 billion ($50 million).

In Slovakia, the so called non-banking institutions collected appx. 25 bil. SKK ($1 billion) from 300-350 thousand people. There were around 30 of these companies, such as BMG Invest and Horizont Slovakia, Drukos, AGW, 1. dôchodková, Sporoinvest and SaS. Mr. Fruni, the owner and director of both BMG and Horizont will sit 11,5 years in prison, according to the Court's judgement from April 2008.

In the third and the biggest Philippines Ponzi scam (involving $150 million and $250 million), criminal charges, based on suit filed by 21,000 complainants were filed on June, 2008, with the Department of Justice, against against Performance Investments Products Corp (PIPC) officers and incorporators for violation of the Securities Regulation Code (SRC), versus: Singaporean national Michael H.K. Liew, PIPC president; Cristina Gonzalez-Tuason, general manager, and other officers and agents - Ma. Cristina Bautista-Jurado, Barbara Garcia, Anthony Kierulf, Eugene Go, Michael Melchor Nubla, Ma. Pamela Morris, Luis Aragon, Renato Sarmiento Jr., Victor Jose Vergel de Dios, Nicoline Amoranto Mendoza, Jose Tengco III, Oudine Santos and Herley Jesuitas.

Minnesota, USA - allegedly orchestrated by Minneapolis, Minnesota celebrity businessman Tom Petters. On December 1, 2008 Tom Petters was charged by the Federal government as the mastermind behind a $3.5 billion Ponzi scheme that bilked investors over a 13-year period. Tom Petters lived an extravagant lifestyle supported by his Ponzi scheme. Petters faces 20 counts of wire and mail fraud, conspiracy and money laundering for the alleged investment scheme that ran from 1995 through September of 2008. He is expected to plead not-guilty, but his co-conspirators in the Ponzi scheme, Deanna Coleman, Robert White, Michael Catain and Larry Reynolds, have all pled guilty. The Petters Ponzi scheme came to an end when Petters's top co-conspirator Deanna Coleman turned government informant and wore a wire. Petters and the others were planning to flee to countries without extradition agreements with the U.S. Deanna Coleman and Michael Catain had properties in Costa Rica.
Jordan : Many traders were arrested on October / November 2008 for multi Millions Ponzi Scams.

November 2008: The Kyiv Post reported on November 26th 2008 that American citizen Robert Fletcher (Robert T. Fletcher III; aka "Rob") was arrested by the the SBU (Ukraine State Police) after being accused by Ukrainian investors of running a ponzi scheme and associated pyramid scam netting $20 Million USD (Kyiv Post also reports that some estimates are as high as $150M USD).

In December 2008, former chairman of the NASDAQ Stock Market, Bernard Madoff, was arrested and charged with a single count of securities fraud, but one which "may rank among the biggest frauds ever" totaling "$50 billion of fraudulent losses" becoming the biggest Ponzi scam in history.

Other notable schemes

Other notable (but involving smaller amounts of money) Ponzi schemes include:
Sarah Howe, who in 1880 opened up a "Ladies Deposit" in Boston promising eight percent interest, although she had no method of making profits. This unique scheme was billed as "for women only". Howe disappeared with the money from her scam.
The novel Chance by Joseph Conrad depicted a Ponzi scheme in 1914 before Ponzi himself had hit the scene. Conrad's scammer "de Barral" offered ten percent interest on deposits in his operation "without system, plan, foresight, or judgement".

On March 22, 2000, four people were indicted in the Northern District of Ohio, on charges including conspiracy to commit and committing mail and wire fraud. A company with which the defendants were affiliated allegedly collected more than $26 million from "investors" without selling any product or service, and paid older investors with the proceeds of the money collected from the newer investors.

In late 2003, a scheme by Bill Hickman, Sr., and his son, Bill Jr., was shut down. He had been selling unregistered securities that promised yields of up to 20 percent; more than $8 million was defrauded from dozens of residents of Pottawatomie County, Oklahoma, along with investors from as far away as California. Hickman was sentenced to 8 years in state prison.
In December 2004, Mark Drucker pleaded guilty to a Ponzi scheme in which he told investors that he would use their funds to buy and sell securities through a brokerage account. He claimed that he was making significant profits on his day trades and that he had opportunities to invest in select IPOs that were likely to turn a substantial profit in a short period of time. He promised guaranteed returns of up to fifty (50%) percent in 90 days or less. In less than two years of trading, Drucker actually lost more than $850,000 in day trading and had no special access to IPOs. He paid out more than $3.6 million to investors while taking in $6.3 million.

In June 2005, in Los Angeles, California, John C. Jeffers was sentenced to 168 months (14 years) in federal prison and ordered to pay $26 million in restitution to more than 80 victims. Jeffers and his confederate John Minderhout ran what they said was a high-yield investment program they called the "Short Term Financing Transaction". The funds were collected from investors around the world from 1996 through 2000. Some investors were told that proceeds would be used to finance humanitarian projects around the globe, such as low-cost housing for the poor in developing nations. Jeffers sent letters to some victims that falsely claimed the program had been licensed by the Federal Reserve and the program had a relationship with the International Monetary Fund and the United States Treasury. Jeffers and Minderhout promised investors profits of up to 4,000 percent. Most of the money collected in the scheme went to Jeffers to pay commissions to salespeople, to make payments to investors to keep the scheme going, and to pay his own personal expenses.

In February 2006, Edmundo Rubi pleaded guilty to bilking hundreds of middle and low-income investors out of more than $24 million between 1999 and 2001, when he fled the U.S. after becoming aware that he was under suspicion. The investors in the scheme, called “Knight Express”, were told that their funds would be used to purchase and resell Federal Reserve notes, and were promised a six percent monthly return. Most of those bilked were part of the Filipino community in San Diego.

In April 2006, Hank Hankley and Snyder Nguyen fled from China after the bilkery of more than $3 million from investors in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. They remain at large. Hu Jintao and in conjunction with the Falun Gong movement have issued a $500 thousand reward for their capture.

On May 10, 2006, Spanish police arrested nine people associated with Forum Filatelico and Afinsa Bienes Tangibles in an apparent Ponzi scheme that affected 250,000 investors from 1998 to 2001. Investors were promised huge returns from investments in a stamp fund.
12DailyPro was a version of what is commonly known as a "paid autosurf" program where "investors" deposited money and received an extremely high profit (44%) within a short period (12 days). Charis Johnson created what authorities considered one of the largest modern-day versions of the Ponzi scheme. She accumulated a total of over US$1.9 million from the program. More than 300,000 people joined over the course of eight months, spending over $500 million. When a federal investigation of 12DailyPro took place, its main payment processor, Stormpay, froze all funds related to it. Stormpay has since refused to return any of these funds. On February 24, 2006, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) ordered 12DailyPro and its parent company to cease and desist all operations. On February 28, a Los Angeles judge ordered all company assets and records to be turned over to an appointed receiver for investigation. Charis F. Johnson now faces criminal and civil suits from both local and federal agencies.

On August 31, 2007, the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") filed an emergency action against James Blackman Roberts ("Roberts"), FOMAC International, Inc. ("FOMAC"), and Consultores Las Tres Americas S.A. ("Consultores LTA") to halt an ongoing Ponzi scheme and freeze assets for the benefit of defrauded investors. The complaint filed by the SEC alleges that, since 2002, the defendants have raised at least $50 million in principal from approximately 450 investors located primarily in the U.S. and Costa Rica. The complaint further alleges that as early as 2005, the defendants experienced significant losses while trading investor funds in the Forex markets, misappropriated at least $3 million, and then used new investor money to pay returns and principal to existing investors. As a result, the complaint alleges, the defendants misrepresented to investors that these Ponzi payments were actually returns from their Forex trading. It should be noted that the above-mentioned allegations have yet to be proved before a Court of law, and that the US and Costa Rican law considers any person innocent until proven guilty.

On September 20, 2007, a complaint was filed in Federal District Court in Manhattan, accusing political fund-raiser Norman Hsu of operating a Ponzi scheme. Hsu attracted investments by claiming to be running a legitimate business involving the importation of clothes from China, and is reported to have cheated investors out of at least $60 million.
In May 2007, the Florida Office of Financial Regulation and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced they were investigating local Bradenton investment broker Michael O. Traynor, 56, and his son, Matthew O. Traynor, 28, on complaints from at least a dozen residents in Sarasota and Manatee counties alleging that the Traynors defrauded clients out of approximately $8 million in investor funds. On November 16, 2007, Michael Traynor, who had found many of his clients though his church social circles, was arrested on a first degree felony grand theft charge that he had stolen $6.5 million from his investors. It is believed Traynor stole funds from at least 34 clients in Sarasota, Manatee and Hillsborough counties between 2001 and February 2007. At least ten investors filed complaints with state regulators, and many had unfruitful meetings with Traynor to have money returned, including those who met him through Bradenton Christian Reformed Church and Bradenton Christian School. Representatives of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement called Traynor's scam a "classic Ponzi-scheme". Traynor had sold investments in Manatee County for InterSecurities Inc., also known as ISI, since 1997, and was the company's Bradenton branch manager before he was fired in February 2007.

Michael Eugene Kelly (born October 6, 1949) is the owner of Yucatan Resorts, Resort Holdings International, Puerto Cancun and Avanti Motor Corporation. He is accused by the FBI and the United States Attorney's Office of operating a $428 million Ponzi scheme that defrauded over a thousand elderly and senior citizens of their retirement money. Kelly was arrested in his hospital room at the Mayo Clinic on December 22, 2006 just before he was about to be discharged and return to one of his homes in Cancún, Mexico. In pretrial services, Kelly claimed that he makes $55,000 a year and only has $48,000 in assets. In spite of his claim of meager earnings, Kelly offered a private jet, four yachts and race track as collateral at his detention hearing. He was denied bail and is currently in the Metropolitan Correctional Center, Chicago waiting for arraignment. Since his arrest, Kelly has attempted to avoid indictment by arranging a plea agreement that includes paying restitution to the victims.

In 2008, many Ponzi schemes are flourishing in Colombia. Those schemes for which complaints are filed are the only ones that the Colombian police have been able to stop and have their organizers detained. Curiously, an organizer of one of these schemes was in fact a policeman. There are many Ponzi schemes going on right now, and even though they are quite popular and, as of February 2008, at least one of the organizers publicly admitted operating what can be defined as a Ponzi scheme, authorities haven't been able to act legally against the people behind organizations such as People Winner, DRFE (Dinero Rápido, Fácil y Efectivo - Quick, Easy and Effective Money) and DMG which have strong support from individuals who have already got their profits. The most prominent of these organizations is DMG, which has a strong support from their investors, since it hasn't faced any complaint from their customers in three years. However, since DMG's mechanisms are obscure and haven't been revealed by its founder, David Murcia Guzmán; and rumours and accusations linking DMG with Chupeta, a well-known drug lord, Colombian government closed DMG on November 17th. Throughout this exchange of accusations, Murcia Guzmán has accused Grupo Aval and its owner, Luis Carlos Sarmiento, of making fake pyramids like DRFE and pushing Colombian government and media to criminalize DMG. Murcia Guzmán is now detained.

Matteo Quintavalle is - according to the source quoted in the following footnote - an Italian scammer, who cheated investors with more than US$10 million by promising very high yield in Costa Rican real estates and hotels. After being involved in a serie of frauds in Italy, Mr. Quintavalle grabbed money in San Francisco,California and went to Costa Rica and bought hotels, resorts and even soccer players ' contracts and gave false contracts to the original investors let they think they were owning those properties in Costa Rica. Mr. Quintavalle is currently under arrest awaiting trial.

Currently (May 2008) the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation is investigating a long running scheme where possibly over 10,000 people could have lost up to €100 million investing in WinCapita's WinClub "investment club", supposedly a currency trading scheme. Investigators now say they have found no evidence that WinCapita ever engaged in any legitimate currency trading at all.

On May 7, 2008, The U.S. SEC filed suit against The Little Shell Goldquestinternational (site currently down due to court order) as an alleged Ponzi scheme. The company claimed an 87.5% YoY return on an investment by trading on the Foreign Exchange. According to SEC filing, as much as 80% of an investors' investment would be paid out as commissions. On May 20, 2008, U.S. District Judge Lloyd George authorized the use of necessary force to help a receiver obtain property and records of GoldQuest. Cook receiver services was appointed by the court in order to take such action that is necessary and appropriate to preserve and take control of and to prevent the dissipation, concealment, or disposition of any assets of, or managed by, Gold Quest and its affiliates.

On May 27, 2008, the Philippine National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) filed a case of syndicated estafa based on complaint of Korina Sanchez and 15 other investors, against the officials of Power Generation Trading Corporation regarding a multimillion-peso investment scam by using the “Ponzi” scheme. Those indicted were: Chief executive officer Rudy Enrique Olalia, treasurer Lourdes Olalia, corporate secretary Marie Frances Yuvienco and 21 others, including Bernie De Venecia.

In September 2008 a one-time English teacher called Sakvithi Ranasinghe vanished with around $9 million in depositors' money in Sri Lanka.


miércoles, mayo 20

The Ponzi scheme

(Ahora que se ha destapado el fraude del gestor Madoff, que seguro no es el último de esta temporada, he cogido de la wikipedia la explicación completa de lo que llaman esquema de Ponzi. No deja de ser un timo piramidal, por mucho que Sta. Wikipedia indique que hay algunas diferencias)

A Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that involves paying abnormally high returns ("profits") to investors out of the money paid in by subsequent investors, rather than from net revenues generated by any real business. It is named after Charles Ponzi. A Ponzi scheme has similarities with a pyramid scheme though the two types of fraud are different.

It usually offers abnormally high short-term returns in order to entice new investors. The perpetuation of the high returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises (and pays) requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going.

The system is destined to collapse because there are little or no underlying earnings from the money received by the promoter. However, the scheme is often interrupted by legal authorities before it collapses, because a Ponzi scheme is suspected and/or because the promoter is selling unregistered securities. As more investors become involved, the likelihood of the scheme coming to the attention of authorities increases.

The scheme is named after Charles Ponzi, who became notorious for using the technique after emigrating from Italy to the United States in 1903. Ponzi was not the first to invent such a scheme, but his operation took in so much money that it was the first to become known throughout the United States. His original scheme was in theory based on arbitraging international reply coupons for postage stamps, but soon diverted later investors' money to support payments to earlier investors and Ponzi's personal wealth. Today's schemes are often considerably more sophisticated than Ponzi's, although the underlying formula is quite similar and the principle behind every Ponzi scheme is to exploit investor naïveté.

Hypothetical example

Suppose an advertisement is placed promising extraordinary returns on an investment—for example 20% for a 30 day contract. The precise mechanism for this incredible return can be attributed to anything that sounds good but is not specific: "global currency arbitrage", "hedge futures trading", "high-yield investment programs", "offshore investment", or something similar.

With no proven track record for the investors, only a few investors are tempted, usually for smaller sums. Sure enough, 30 days later the investor receives the original capital plus the 20% return. At this point, the investor will have more incentive to put in additional money and, as word begins to spread, other investors grab the "opportunity" to participate. More and more people invest, and see their investments return the promised large returns.

The reality of the scheme is that the "return" to the initial investors is being paid out of the new, incoming investment money, not out of profits. No "global currency arbitrage", "hedge futures trading" or "high yield investment program" is actually taking place. Instead, when investor D puts in money, that money becomes available to pay out "profits" to investors A, B, and C. When investors X, Y, and Z put in money, that money is available to pay "profits" to investors A through W.

One reason that the scheme initially works so well is that early investors—those who actually got paid the large returns—quite commonly reinvest their money in the scheme (it does, after all, pay out much better than any alternative investment). Thus those running the scheme do not actually have to pay out very much (net)—they simply have to send statements to investors that show how much the investors have earned by keeping the money in what looks like a great place to get a high return. They also try to minimize withdrawals by offering new plans to investors, often where money is frozen for a longer period of time, for example 50% return per month for one year. They then get new cash flows as investors are told they could not transfer money from the first plan to the second.

The catch is that at some point one of three things will happen:

  1. the promoters will vanish, taking all the investment money (less payouts) with them;
  2. the scheme will collapse under its own weight, as investment slows and the promoters start having problems paying out the promised returns. When the promoters start having problems, the word spreads and more people start asking for their money, similar to a bank run);
  3. the scheme is exposed, because when legal authorities begin examining accounting records of the so-called enterprise they find that many of the "assets" that should exist do not.

What is and is not a Ponzi scheme

  • A pyramid scheme is a form of fraud similar in some ways to a Ponzi scheme, relying as it does on a disbelief in financial reality, including the hope of an extremely high rate of return. However, several characteristics distinguish pyramid schemes from Ponzi schemes:
    • In a Ponzi scheme, the schemer acts as a “hub” for the victims, interacting with all of them directly. In a pyramid scheme, those who recruit additional participants benefit directly (in fact, failure to recruit typically means no investment return).
    • A Ponzi scheme claims to rely on some esoteric investment approach, insider connections, etc., and often attracts well-to-do investors; pyramid schemes explicitly claim that new money will be the source of payout for the initial investments.
    • A pyramid scheme is bound to collapse a lot faster, due to the necessity of exponential increases in participants to sustain it. By contrast, Ponzi schemes can survive simply by persuading most existing participants to "reinvest" their money, with a relatively small number of new participants.
  • A bubble. A bubble relies on suspension of disbelief and an expectation of large profits, but it is not the same as a Ponzi scheme. A bubble involves ever-rising (and unsustainable) prices in an open market (be that shares of a stock, housing prices, the price of tulip bulbs, or anything else). As long as buyers are willing to pay ever-increasing prices, sellers can get out with a profit. And there doesn't need to be a schemer behind a bubble. (In fact, a bubble can arise without any fraud at all - for example, housing prices in a local market that rise sharply but eventually drop sharply because of overbuilding.) Bubbles are often said to be based on "greater fool" theory. Although, according to the Austrian Business Cycle Theory, bubbles are caused by expanding the money supply beyond what genuine capital investment supports, and in this case would qualify as a Ponzi scheme, with expanded credit taking the place of an expanded pool of investors.
  • Robbing Peter to pay Paul. When debts are due and the money to pay them is lacking, whether because of bad luck or deliberate theft, debtors often make their payments by borrowing or stealing from other monies they have. It does not follow that this is a Ponzi scheme, because from the basic facts set out there is no indication that the lenders were promised unrealistically high rates of return via claims of unusual financial investments. Nor (from these basic facts) is there any indication that the borrower (banker) is progressively increasing the amount of borrowing ("investing") to cover payments to initial investors (as, again, Ponzi was not the first to do).
  • A pension fund can share some of the characteristics of a Ponzi scheme in that, except during the final period of the fund's life-span, the outgoing cash used in any month to pay pensions is usually taken from the incoming contributions of the active members of the pension scheme. In a year of poor equity returns such as 2008, a pension fund can often perform worse for its members than a Ponzi scheme.


viernes, mayo 15


(Gracias a Peluche)

Las primeras gominolas de la historia, conocidas como Gummibärchen, surgieron en 1920 de la mano del pastelero alemán Hans Riegel (fundador de la empresa Haribo), quien quería reproducir en dulce los ositos danzarines que cada año llegaban con el circo a su ciudad, Bonn. Para ello diseñó un molde con la ya famosa silueta y lo rellenó con una pasta de caramelo clásico (azúcar, jarabe de glucosa y agua) y gelatina.

Etiquetas: ,

martes, mayo 12

Ante todo, concreción

(Palabrita del Supermaño)

Allá arriba no se dónde,
dicen que hay no se que santo,
que le piden no se qué,
y concede no se cuánto.

domingo, mayo 10


(Una de mis poesías favoritas, que siempre envío a aquellos amigos que tienen una nueva etapa por delante. De Konstantino Kavafis, por cierto.)

Cuando salgas de viaje para Ítaca,
desea que el camino sea largo, colmado de aventuras, colmado de

A los lestrígones y a los cíclopes,
al irascible Poseidón no temas,
pues nunca encuentros tales tendrás en tu camino,
si tu pensamiento se mantiene alto, si una exquisita
emoción te toca cuerpo y alma.

A los lestrígones y a los cíclopes no encontrarás,
a no ser que los lleves ya en tu alma,
a no ser que tu alma los ponga en pie ante ti.

Desea que el camino sea largo.
Que sean muchas las mañanas estivales
en que -¡y con qué placer!-
entres en puertos que ves por vez primera.

Detente en los mercados fenicios
para adquirir sus bellas mercancías,
madreperlas y nácares, ébanos y ámbares,
y voluptuosos perfumes de todas las clases,
todos los voluptuosos perfumes que te sean posibles.

Y vete a muchas ciudades de Egipto
y aprende, aprende de los sabios.

Mantén siempre a Ítaca en tu mente.
Llegar allí es tu destino.
Pero no tengas la menor prisa en tu viaje.

Es mejor que dure muchos años
y que viejo al fin arribes a la isla,
rico por todas las ganancias de tu viaje,
sin esperar que Ítaca te va a ofrecer riquezas.

Ítaca te ha dado un viaje hermoso.
Sin ella no te habrías puesto en marcha.
Pero no tiene ya más que ofrecerte.

Aunque la encuentres pobre, Ítaca de ti no se ha burlado.
Convertido en tan sabio, y con tanta experiencia,
ya habrás comprendido el significado de las Ítacas.

(Constantino Kavafis, 1863-1933, Poesías completas, XXXII)


martes, mayo 5

Aún vigente

De William Shakespeare...

"Ama a todos. Confía en pocos. No dañes a ninguno."


domingo, mayo 3

Mi mamá me mima

(Enviado por una amiga)

En un salón de clases de 2° Primaria, se les hicieron algunas sencillas preguntas a los pequeños para medir la apreciación que tienen de ciertas situaciones de su entorno.

A.- ¿Por qué hizo Dios a las Madres?
1. Porque son las únicas que saben dónde están las cosas en la casa.
2. Principalmente para limpiar la casa.
3. Para ayudarnos cuando estábamos naciendo.
4. Para que nos quisieran

B) ¿Cómo hizo Dios a las Madres?
1. Usó tierra, como lo hizo para todos los demás.
2. Con magia además de súper poderes y mezclar todo muy bien.
3. Dios hizo a mi mamá así como me hizo a mí, solo que usó partes más grandes.
4. Yo creo que tardó mucho en hacerlas, pues mi papá dice que a veces las mujeres son muy complicadas.

C) ¿Qué ingredientes usó?
1. Dios hizo a las madres de nubes y pelo de ángel y todo lo bueno en este mundo y una pizca de malo.
2. Tuvo que empezar con huesos de hombres y después creo que usó cuerda, principalmente.
3. Yo creo que con muchas flores...

D) ¿Por qué Dios te dio a tu mamá en vez de otra mamá?
1. Porque somos parientes.
2. Porque Dios sabía que ella me quería más a mí que otras mamás que me quisieran.
3. Porque nos parecemos mucho..

E) ¿Qué clase de niña era tu mamá?
1. Mi mamá siempre ha sido mi mamá y nada de esas cosas.
2. No se porque no estaba yo allí, pero creo que ha de haber sido muy mandona.
3. Dicen que antes era muy linda.

F) ¿Qué necesitaba saber tu mamá de tu papá antes de casarse con él?
1. Su apellido.
2. Si quería casarse con ella.
3. Pues... si tiene trabajo y si le gusta ir de compras

G) ¿Por qué se casó tu mamá con tu papá?
1. Porque mi papá hace el mejor spaghetti en el mundo y mi mamá come mucho.
2. Porque ya se estaba haciendo vieja
3. Mi abuela dice que porque no se puso su gorra para pensar.
4. Para poder ser la mamá de la casa.

H) ¿Quién es el jefe en tu casa?
1. Mi mamá no quiere ser jefe pero tiene que serlo porque mi papá es un chistoso.
2. Mi mamá. Lo sabes por la inspección de mi cuarto. Ella ve hasta lo que hay debajo de mi cama.
3. Creo que mi mamá, pero solo porque ella tiene más cosas que hacer que mi papá.

I) ¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las mamás y los papás?
1. Las mamás trabajan en el trabajo y en la casa y los papás solo van al trabajo.
2. Las mamás saben hablar con las maestras sin asustarlas.
3. Las mamás tienen el verdadero poder porque a ellas les tienes que pedir permiso cuando quieres quedarte a dormir en casa de un amigo.
4. Las mamás tienen magia porque ellas te hacen sentir bien sin medicina.

J) ¿Qué hace tu mamá en su tiempo libre?
1. Las mamás no tienen tiempo libre.
2. Si lo oyes de ella, paga cuentas TODO el día...
3. Creo que... trabajar.

K) ¿Qué haría a tu mamá perfecta?
1. Por adentro ya es perfecta, pero afuera creo que un poco de cirugía plástica.
2. Que no me regañara tanto y que me dejara ver más tele 3. Si supiera jugar fútbol...

L) ¿Si podrías cambiar algo de tu mamá, que sería?
1. Tiene esa cosa rara de pedirme que siempre limpie mi cuarto. Eso le quitaría.
2. Haría a mi mamá más inteligente, así sabría que mi hermano me pegó primero y no yo.
3. Me gustaría que desaparecieran esos ojos invisibles que tiene atrás de su cabeza.


viernes, mayo 1

El origen de la ambulancia

(De Peluche, ¿cómo no?)

La primera ambulancia de la historia fue diseñada por un médico de Napoleón, Dominique Jean Larrey, con la intención de retirar a los soldados heridos sin aumentar su sufrimiento, como ocurría con las carretas usadas hasta entonces.

Diseñó unos carruajes con amortiguación a base de ballestas en los que viajaban eran, a la vez, atendidos por los cirujanos.
